Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy Holidays

Alright, I could have written "Marry Christmas", but I think that the Christian tradition gets overrated all the time, and other traditions like Hanukkah or other holidays are being treated unfairly all the time. So, "Happy Holidays" suits everyone better. ;)

Anyway, I wish you all a happy season no matter what you celebrate.

I made two new wallpapers. Both are on the Movies&TV page. You will notice that the last one has a different format. Well, I've made this one on special request, so I hope you folks don't mind.

I had hoped that I'd be able to open the forum in time for the holidays, but RL (real life) got in the way and it has to wait another few days. Thanks again everyone for your patience!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Tiny New Addition

LOL, no, it's still not the forum. I'm working on the translation though, so it shouldn't be too long anymore.

No, the addition I'm talking about is finally a new Dr. Quinn wallpaper. I realized it's been a long time since I made one for DQ, and I really felt the need to create one. So, take a look in the DQ section of my wallpapers and go to the last. I hope you like it. ;)

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Don't trust Babelfish

Alright, I knew that before. And my English is pretty good so I should te able to translate some text on my own and my good old dictionary.

But I was lazy and wanted to give that service another chance, hoping it may have inmproved over the years.

But trust me: it sucks bigtime. So, anyone who needs a translator because you don't know any other language beside your mother tongue, don't cound on Babelfish if you intend to translate whole sentences or larger text blocks. It's okay for single words, but when it comes to create intelligent sentences it's a no-no.

Ergo: I'll have to do it on my own and therefore please be patient with me, folks. ;)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Another new wallpaper

...I just made it today. You can find it in the TV and movies section. It's the last on the page. ;)

Thank you all for your patience. I know it's taking quite a while already with my forum, but I haven't felt in the mood for a translation lately. Stay tuned. ;)

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Been busy today

...and made a new wallpaper which you can find in the Just Jane section.

AND I finally made a new header for the new forum. Click for full size.

Let me know what you think. Do you like it or is there something I need to change? :)

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Another tiny little addition

I've been playing with a new wallpaper for the last days, and I finally finished it today. You can find it on the second wallpaper page (TV&Movies).

I'm sorry about the continuing delay with the new forum. RL sucks sometimes, and I still didn't translate the forum rules into English. Shame on me I know, LOL.

Also, the new header still needs to be made.

Thank you all for your patience, I'll do my best to open it soon.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A tiny new addition...

... just a new wallpaper. But it's from one of my all-time favorite Jane movies: Matters of the Heart. So, look for it in the Movies and TV wallpaper section.

It's taking a little longer until I can open the new forum, because I still have to translate the forum rules into English. Real life does that to you sometimes, it inteferes when you least expect it.

Also, a new header is in order. So, please stay tuned.

Thank you all for your patience. :)


Monday, October 31, 2005

New Addition in Fanfic section

Happy Halloween to everyone out there!

It took me a while, but I finally added a new story by Tess to the Fanfic section.

Rescue in Boston - The Sequel

I hope you enjoy it. I did. :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Okay, while I'm still working on the forum before opening it (I need to put up some forum rules and a little bit of help [because it's hosted on a German server]), but I've made the banner already, matching the board style.

Hope you like it. ;)

Stay tuned, it's not very much longer from now on. Thanks for your patience!

Friday, October 07, 2005

I was wondering...

...what you girls and guys would think if I added a forum to my website.

No, not that Bravenet messageboard that I already have. I wanna get rid of it because everyone can post there without registering plus I don't like the format. I was thinking more of the format the FoJ, Dr. Quinn and DQ Times forums use.

Please let me know. Maybe even leave one or a few suggestions on what to add. But it must be Jane related.

Well, if there is such a forum in the future, an off-topic section will be there as well.

Thanks for your input everyone! :)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Good News:

The video pages are back! Let's hope the server won't be down so soo again. ;)
If you encounter any problems trying to access the videos, please let me know.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Regarding the video pages...

In case you are wondering why the video section isn't showing up (or you get a 404 "page not found" error), I've read on the support forum of the service my video pages are on, that there's a server maintenance going on at the moment.

I have no idea how much longer it will take, so I can't tell you when they'll be back. I appreciate your patience and if they're still down in a few days, I'll upload them to somewhere else. The pages. The videos should work alright.

Thanks for listening. :)

Monday, September 12, 2005

New addition to the Fan Gallery

I finally added a new section to the Fan Gallery: Music videos. The pages there are still under construction, the only video I added so far is one in the Dr. Quinn section. It just takes so long to upload a video when you are on dial-up, so I appreciate your patience until I have uploaded all the clips I have made so far.

If you encounter any problems downloading or playing the clips, please let me know by posting a comment. I just discovered that new host today, so I cannot know how reliable it is yet.

Stay tuned for further updates. Thanks for visiting me.

Friday, September 02, 2005

2 New Wallpapers

Yes, that's right. I made two new Captains and the Kings wallpapers and will also add a few pages on this outstanding mini-series to my website soon. Stay tuned and enjoy the walls meanwhile. :)

Thanks to for providing spam-protection for all of us. As I heard from a friend, some people seem to like to spam blogs and did it on hers. Not sure if they have too much time on their hands or if they are just stupid. Anyway, I'm glad this tool exists now so we don't need to disable the comments feature for those who have really something (nice, hehe) to say. :)

Thursday, September 01, 2005

New Wallpaper added

.... to the TV and Movies section of my wallpapers. It's the very last of them ... for now. More coming soon as I have time and feel creative enough. :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Just another small update

...I got finally back in the mood for creating wallpapers and added a new one to the Dr. Quinn collection. I hope you like it as much as I had fun making it.


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

New Layout

Yeah, just like my fellow Jane and Dr. Quinn friend Ashley, I decided on a new layout.
It's still blue ... somewhat, but with the lighthouse and all it reminds me so much of Somewhere in Time, my all-time favorite movie, and therefore matches my Jane Seymour website prefectly.

The text should be pretty much readable too. If it's too small just let me know and I'll see if I can change it. :)

Sunday, July 31, 2005

A small non-Jane addition

Hi folks,

please check the Help page on my website to see what the white banners on my main pages are about. The campaign is called Make Poverty History and I posted the German link as well as the British one. For similar campaigns in your own country please take a look at the British site and see if you can find something for your area (there are also international links on the German website; just go to Links. If you are the owner of a website you may want to support this campaign.

More site-related (speak: Jane) additions coming soon as I have time. I'm still working on the Phantom of the Opera pages. ;)

Monday, July 18, 2005

New addition coming soon

Hi all,

right now, I'm uploading screenshots of Phantom of the Opera with Jane. I can't promise you how soon the pages will be up though, but this way you have something to look forward to.

Until then

Take care and have a nice day!

Friday, July 01, 2005


.... the link in yesterday's post turned out to be a flop. I might go and try to re-upload the video when I have time, but for now I'm just tired of endless tries and getting kicked off every other minute....

Thursday, June 30, 2005

New Dr. Quinn Video

Hi all,

I made a new DQ videoclip last night (German time) and just finished uploading it.

Click here to watch 'Darker and Darker'

Well, and as support for their free service, here is the url for those of you who are looking for a free image/video/flash host ... click the link below...

Upload Video and Images - Putfile

I hope you like it. Enjoy! :^D

Monday, June 27, 2005

New addition

I just added a new wallpaper to the "Just Jane" wallpapers page. Hope you like it.
Please remember not to repost it on other websites, forums, e-groups or wherever. And don't EVER think of making photoprints of any of my wallpapers and sell them on Ebay. I put a lot of work into all of my wallpapers, and a lot of love and time, and I offer them for free. So it would be very unfair if anyone made money with them. If you find any of my wallpapers on Ebay, please let me know and if possible, let Ebay know about the thieves.

Alright, I ranted enough for today. ;)


Sunday, June 26, 2005


There are several pages that are *under construction*. I know I should and could have repaired them a long time ago already, but I was so caught up creating wallpapers I didn't pay enough attention to fix the missing links. Well, please check back more often and I promise I'll do my best to bring them back. :)
