Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy Holidays

Alright, I could have written "Marry Christmas", but I think that the Christian tradition gets overrated all the time, and other traditions like Hanukkah or other holidays are being treated unfairly all the time. So, "Happy Holidays" suits everyone better. ;)

Anyway, I wish you all a happy season no matter what you celebrate.

I made two new wallpapers. Both are on the Movies&TV page. You will notice that the last one has a different format. Well, I've made this one on special request, so I hope you folks don't mind.

I had hoped that I'd be able to open the forum in time for the holidays, but RL (real life) got in the way and it has to wait another few days. Thanks again everyone for your patience!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Tiny New Addition

LOL, no, it's still not the forum. I'm working on the translation though, so it shouldn't be too long anymore.

No, the addition I'm talking about is finally a new Dr. Quinn wallpaper. I realized it's been a long time since I made one for DQ, and I really felt the need to create one. So, take a look in the DQ section of my wallpapers and go to the last. I hope you like it. ;)

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Don't trust Babelfish

Alright, I knew that before. And my English is pretty good so I should te able to translate some text on my own and my good old dictionary.

But I was lazy and wanted to give that service another chance, hoping it may have inmproved over the years.

But trust me: it sucks bigtime. So, anyone who needs a translator because you don't know any other language beside your mother tongue, don't cound on Babelfish if you intend to translate whole sentences or larger text blocks. It's okay for single words, but when it comes to create intelligent sentences it's a no-no.

Ergo: I'll have to do it on my own and therefore please be patient with me, folks. ;)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Another new wallpaper

...I just made it today. You can find it in the TV and movies section. It's the last on the page. ;)

Thank you all for your patience. I know it's taking quite a while already with my forum, but I haven't felt in the mood for a translation lately. Stay tuned. ;)

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Been busy today

...and made a new wallpaper which you can find in the Just Jane section.

AND I finally made a new header for the new forum. Click for full size.

Let me know what you think. Do you like it or is there something I need to change? :)