Thursday, December 28, 2006

Another variation

Hi folks,

please keep voting whenever you have time. ;)
Meanwhile I created another calendar which I'm attaching a preview of here.

I might offer both of them for printable download, but only one of them for desktop use (because of the format).

Anyway, have a look, and please don't be shy and tell me what you think of both of them. ;)

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

New Poll

Hi everyone,

thank you all for voting. I admit I'm very happy that you all want me to continue with the monthly calendars.

And this leads to me new poll. Please vote! :)
You can find it HERE again(the link opens in a new window or tab if you're using Firefox).

Here's a preview of the cover so you can see the new format already.
Please let me know how you like the new format, even if you don't like it I appreciate your input. But please say it nicely. ;)

Friday, December 15, 2006

After a long time: A new Poll

You can find it HERE. Please vote because I'm not sure whether to continue with my monthly calendars or not. :)

Many thanks to you for participating, and:
Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 09, 2006


It took me a while to finsh the update, but it took me even longer to announce it here on this page.

If you have come to this blog from another website besides my own, please check out my Homepage for the holiday layout I gave it and for the advent calendar I made. Since it's December 9th in Germany, you may open 9 "doors" at once today, LOL. One problem though: If you're a Mac user the surprised won't work for you.

Another thing. You may want to setup your popup blocker to accept popups from the site the calendar is on which is not Geocities. ;)

Most of all: Enjoy it and Happy Holiday season to all of you, no matter what you celebrate. :)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tiny update for now

While I'm still working on something else I was at least able to finish the calendar for December. I really hate RL sometimes, especially when it keeps me from meeting my self-set deadline. ;)

Som stay tuned for the next update. Thanks allf of you for your patience!