Saturday, December 01, 2007

It's December...'s cold outside in my part of the world, and it's time for new calendars.

I originally wanted to have switched to the holiday layout for my website already, but have had some technical problems lately so it might take a little longer for this one.

I wish all of you a wonderful holiday season, no matter what you celebrate!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Needed to keep busy

Hi everyone,

yeah, believe it or not, another update, LOL.
I needed to find a way to cope with the fact that Jane got kicked off, so I dug out my digital crayons and started playing.
The results are two wallpapers, again in four different sizes.
When you go to the Wallpapers main page you will notice a new section. I thought Jane's participation in Dancing with the Stars deserves its own section, and so I created one. ;)


Thursday, November 01, 2007

November... upon us and that means time for the new calendars!

For once I'm glad I've made them a long time ago because with Jane still (thankfully) competing in "Dancing With The Stars" there's hardly time for me to do any updates.

I've been so busy voting like hopefully all of my fellow Jane fans out there, no matter where you live, and I'll keep voting as long as she is in the show and needs our support.

Anyway, until I'm able to provide anything new to the site, just enjoy the calendars!

Love from Germany,

Monday, October 01, 2007

It's October

...and guess what? Yes, it's calendar time again. ;)

Unfortunately I haven't had time yet to work on bringing the video pages back plus YouTube decided to delete my latest video from their servers ... or well, they disabled it so I deleted it completely and re-uploaded a smaller version of it somewhere else.

Please be patient and stay tuned, and meanwhile

!!! Don't forget to watch Dancing with the Stars on ABC Monday night and vote for Jane Seymour and Tony Dovolani!

1-800-868-3406 !!!

Those of us from overseas, we need to get our gear together and vote for them online HERE

Please, everyone, let's show Jane (and Tony) that we fans stick together and support her no matter what!

Friday, September 21, 2007


Today, I uploaded a new video clip that I made last night, and when I wanted to update my video pages I wasn't even able to log into my account.

Oh man, that stinks. Not only am I unable to login, but it seems the pages are gone as well ... or at least unavailable right now.

Looks like I have to redo them and upload to another host.
Thanks everyone for your patience, I'll do my best to fix the problem soon. Meanwhile have a look here: The Cougar. As you can imagine from the title, it's a clip using scenes from Jane's guest appearance on "How I Met Your Mother". :)

Hope someone likes it. :)

Saturday, September 01, 2007

It's September 1st

Jane in Dancing with the Stars
...which means time for the new calendars. :)

AND --- as most of my loyal visitors know by now, Jane's going to be in the next season of Dancing with the Stars. Yay!! **Big smile**

In order to show my excitement and my support for Jane, I have made this banner you can see on top of this post. :)

Unfortunately I'm unable to watch this show because I'm not in the US, but those of you who can, PLEASE VOTE FOR JANE! :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Another wallpaper

Hi everyone,

I finished another wallpaper today that I started working on a couple days ago already. You can find it in the "Jane & Family" section and it's again available in four sizes. :)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

New wallpapers

Hi everyone,

it's been a while since I made new wallpapers. Well, I can finally provide two new ones, again in four different sizes, for you. Just go to "Just Jane 3" in my wallpapers section. I hope you'll like them. Just pick the size you need. ;)

Available are: 1024x768; 1152x864; 1280x960 and 1600x1200 pixel. No wide-screen this time. :)

I wanted to update the site yesterday already, but I've had major internet trouble the last weeks and I have no idea when this annoying problem will finally be solved, so I'd like to thank you again for your patience.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

It's August the 1st...

...which means time for new calendars. I hope you like them. :)

I apologize for the lack of updates, but July hasn't been easy on me...

I'll try to be better this month. ;)

Thank you all for your patience.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

First update of the month

Hi everyone,

July is upon us (although the weather in Germany doesn't look like summer right now), and this means the new calendars are up. I hope you like them.

I'm planning on adding more but it depends on my (online) time. Thank you all for your patience. :)

Monday, June 25, 2007

No update today, just "something" else

...just something to "spread the word" about a neat little tool.

If you're using Firefox this one might be very helpful for you.
How often have you seen a video on YouTube, Google or something like that and were frustrated because you were unable to save it to your computer? I know there are several ways to do it, but without a little "help" it's quite tedious work.

This one here is one of my little helpers:

Give it a try; it's free. :)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Another small update

Hi everyone,

well, like the title says, it's just another small update.
I added two new wallpapers, each in three different sizes.

Here you can see small previews of them already:

You can view and download them in the following sizes:
1152 x 864
1280 x 960
and 1600 x 1200 pixel.
You'll find them on page 3 in the Just Jane wallpapers section.

I hope you like them. :)

Until the next update
Be well and stay healthy. Try not to catch a sunburn. ;)

Friday, June 01, 2007

A new month...

...and this means the Calendars for June are up. I hope you like them. :)

Monday, May 07, 2007

Another update

Hi everyone,

I finished two new wallpapers today, but since I made them in 4 different sizes again it was necessary to add a third page to the "Just Jane" wallpapers. ;)

The available sizes for these wallpapers are 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x960 and 1600x1200 pixel.

No wide-screen this time, but I hope you find the size that suits your monitor best. :)

I hope you like them. ;)

I still plan on adding a fans contribution page and I have received some really lovely entries already. So if you'd like me to post your Jane artwork on my website, please let me know. :)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Happy May Day!

Hi everyone,

it's May 1st today, time for the first update of the month: the new calendars are up! :)

Thankfully my little dog is still napping here beside me so I have time to add this small but important update to my website.

It's dedicated to two special people, and if you're as much a Jane fan as I am you know who I am, but you will know by certain when you see the calendars. ;)

Hope you like them.

Please stay tuned for more updates. Thank you all for your patience and support. :)

Monday, April 23, 2007

Small Update

Hi everyone,

here's a tiny update for you all: A new wallpaper -- but in three different sizes. Since more and more users are getting larger screens for their computers I thought it's about time to provide different sizes.

Well, I will never be able (or willing) to provide wallpapers for all available screen resolutions, but I can try to make a compromise, at least once in a while. ;)

The sizes for the latest wallpaper are: 1024x768, 1280x960 and 1600x1200 pixel. No wide-screen this time. I hope you like it anyway. ;)

Sunday, April 01, 2007

New Calendars are up

Hi everyone,

yes, I know it's April Fool's day today, but rest assured, I'm not going to make fun of you. *grin*

The new calendars for this month are up indeed. I hope you like them.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

2 new wallpapers

Hi everyone,

I just added two new wallpapers to the Movies & TV section of my wallpaper pages. Those of you who are a member of the DQ Times forum may have seen one of them already because I posted it there yesterday already. Things like a crappy internet connection just kept me away from updating the website at the same time.

I hope you like them even if you don't care for the show (In Case of Emergency). ;)

Be well until next time!

Friday, March 09, 2007

New Video

Hi everyone,

another tiny update this month. I played around with a video program I bought off Ebay (not the latest software, but fun to play with) and this video is the result of my first test.

It is merely a slide show with screen caps I did of "The Four Feathers" because I had them on my computer and was too lazy to convert the movie and make clips of it.

I thought the Celine Dion song I used, fits pretty well. ;)
I hope you think like me.

Enjoy! :)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

March Calendars are up

Hi everyone,

I apologize again for the lacking updates, but things might change soon when I have more time to devote to my website again.

For now, both calendars for March are up, and I hope you like them ... or one of them. :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

New Calendars

Hi everyone,

the calendars for February are up; both versions again. Unfortunately I haven't had much time during the last month to even think of working on the new forum, so please forgive me the delay, stay tuned and check back for updates.

Thanks everyone for your patience! :)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Two new Videos

Hi everyone,

although I still haven't had time to finally open the new forum, I was in the mood for creating videos. And so I finished two clips from one of my all-time favorite Jane movies: Matters of the Heart.

Why two clips? Well, I wanted to try a short and a longer version and liked them both. So I decided to upload both of them. You can find them in the movie and TV section of my video pages. :)


Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!

I know it's still a few hours to go in the United States, but in Germany, the new year ist just an hour old. So I'd like to wish all my visitors a happy and healthy 2007. :)

You can now find both versions of my January calendar on the website, plus the covers which you could see here on the blog already.

The printable sizes will be available as soon as I have time to open the new message board. I so badly wanted to open it by now, but haven't had time to do so. I have the feeling I need another header, LOL.

Meanwhile just enjoy the smaller versions of both calendar sheets. ;)