Sunday, January 07, 2007

Two new Videos

Hi everyone,

although I still haven't had time to finally open the new forum, I was in the mood for creating videos. And so I finished two clips from one of my all-time favorite Jane movies: Matters of the Heart.

Why two clips? Well, I wanted to try a short and a longer version and liked them both. So I decided to upload both of them. You can find them in the movie and TV section of my video pages. :)


Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!

I know it's still a few hours to go in the United States, but in Germany, the new year ist just an hour old. So I'd like to wish all my visitors a happy and healthy 2007. :)

You can now find both versions of my January calendar on the website, plus the covers which you could see here on the blog already.

The printable sizes will be available as soon as I have time to open the new message board. I so badly wanted to open it by now, but haven't had time to do so. I have the feeling I need another header, LOL.

Meanwhile just enjoy the smaller versions of both calendar sheets. ;)