Sunday, January 13, 2008


Hi everyone,

I must apologize to you because I JUST NOW realized that the Movie,TV & Theater section of my website is not available anymore ... well, for now anyway. I had no idea that the former hoster of those pages ditched them and the owners switched.

Well, I re-registered with them and hope to have the pages back soon.
Thank you all for your patience!

Love from Germany,

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone,

I'd like to wish all of my loyal visitors a happy, healthy and successful year 2008.
May all your wishes come true.

The first update for this year is, of course, a brand new calendar although you will see that I used a familiar format.

I also added a new poll. Please cast your vote so that I know about your opinions.

You may also have noticed the new layout. Well, this one is for January only, but I might also create another new one depending on how much time I have and how well my internet connection will behave. :)

Thanks for listening and for your support over all these years. I can't believe that I started this site almost 8 years ago.
