Wednesday, April 30, 2008

May Calendar

Hi all,

the May calendar comes a day early because I still have no internet at home. And since a loooong weekend lies ahead of me I decided to finish and upload the calendar today instead of next week.

Enjoy! :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Another tiny update

Hi all,

since I have still no internet at home (technical and financial problem) this is just another tiny update which I'm doing from work.

Just another wallpaper (in four sizes) to add to your Jane wallpaper collection.
Enjoy, and please remember, don't use it for any kind of web design. They all are strictly for personal use and NOT to be sold on Ebay. If I find out that someone takes my walls and sells them on Ebay (again) I will stop making them in huge sizes.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Small Update

Since I'm having internet problems at home (my modem just died), I can only access the internet from work at the moment. But -- thankfully my computer hasn't died so I was at least able to play with my graphics tools and made a new wallpaper. It's in four sizes again and I had to open a new page just for this one, LOL. It's Just Jane 4. I hope you like it. :)

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

It's April 1st

... and technically April Fool's Day, but don't worry; I have no intentions regarding the matter, LOL.

The calendar for this month is up, right on time!
Unfortunately I haven't had much time for other updates like the calendar archive, but it doesn't mean I have forgotten about it. Just stay tuned. ;)

A small explanation about this months calendar. The holiday this month is the Jewish Pessach from April 20th till 27th with Seder included which takes place on the 19th.