Monday, September 29, 2008

No, I haven't fallen off the surface of our planet...

... I'm just having some "minor" computer problems and therefore couldn't do much lately ... like wallpapers etc. but at least my machine was stable enough for me to finish another clip. Until I finally get around to replacing the video pages I'll post it here. :)

Link: Anything can happen ... Dear Prudence

No copyright infringement is intended, this is just a fan's adoration for her favorite actress and appreciation for the beautiful songs used in this clip.

Monday, September 08, 2008

A new wallpaper

...again in four different sizes. :)
I just had to use this most cute collab kit made by Vicki and Mel, even if it's only to keep summer a little longer. ;)

If you're into scrapbooking, please check our their sites. You will find tons of goodies there. :)

Anyway, back to the wallpaper. For this one I set up another page in the "Just Jane" section because I already ecxceeded my self-set limit of 20 walls per page with the previous scrapwalls, LOL.

Monday, September 01, 2008

It's September...

....not much of an update, but the new calendar is up on time. :)
I'm sticking to the DWTS theme and just had to use this particular picture, LOL. Love Jane in this outfit even as a "blonde". ;)