Thursday, September 22, 2005

Good News:

The video pages are back! Let's hope the server won't be down so soo again. ;)
If you encounter any problems trying to access the videos, please let me know.


Anonymous said...


It was ok when I download it. Maybe it was after the date. Can't remember. It was a few weeks ago.

Anne said...

Thanks for letting me know, Canice. :D

Too bad uploading videos directly to the server where the pages are, is not working. Although they allow files up to 7MB, I just can't. ::shrug::


Anonymous said...

Some companies are like that. They don't allow you to upload certain file. I just realised that I need to get a blogger account to leave messages on ur other blog. *smile*. I thought I was going crazy as all my messages did not appear... *stupid me for not reading*.. Kekekeke

Anne said...

That's alright, Canice. I might change the settings for it, so you don't need to create a Blooger profile or even a blog just to be able to post. ;)

Anonymous said...

I don't mind. At least I will have a blog that I can used. Just have to sit down and pick and choose.