Friday, October 07, 2005

I was wondering...

...what you girls and guys would think if I added a forum to my website.

No, not that Bravenet messageboard that I already have. I wanna get rid of it because everyone can post there without registering plus I don't like the format. I was thinking more of the format the FoJ, Dr. Quinn and DQ Times forums use.

Please let me know. Maybe even leave one or a few suggestions on what to add. But it must be Jane related.

Well, if there is such a forum in the future, an off-topic section will be there as well.

Thanks for your input everyone! :)


xenaevegabby said...

OHHHH! That's a really good idea! :-D


Anne said...

Good! I'm glad you like it, Ash. ;)

It may take a while until it's up and running, gotte get familiar with all the bells and whistles first.

It's quite different to be the admin of a board than "just" a Mod and until I know enough of everything I'll just mess around on my own to see how things work. ;)

xenaevegabby said...

;) I've never been a Mod or Admin on that kind of board, though I've had pleeeenty o' experience at EZboard. So, I'm not sure what kind of task you're up to, but I know you'll do a grrrreat job!! ;) *hugs*

Anne said...

Thanks Ash! LOL, and I have NO experience with Ezboard.

Hmm, things look pretty good, so I might be able to announce it within the next days. Well, I'll prolly make a new banner to go with the forum. Not sure though. ;)

xenaevegabby said...

Great! I can't wait! :-D

Anonymous said...

I think it is a good idea too...

Anne said...

Thanks Canice, the waiting is almost over. ;)