Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Okay, while I'm still working on the forum before opening it (I need to put up some forum rules and a little bit of help [because it's hosted on a German server]), but I've made the banner already, matching the board style.

Hope you like it. ;)

Stay tuned, it's not very much longer from now on. Thanks for your patience!


Anonymous said...

I was about to jump up and down saying I can't get in (ie clicking on the banner)... Then I realised that you haven't open it yet.. Oooppss... Too anxious.

xenaevegabby said...

Muy caliente! (Very hot!) I love it, and I can't wait for the grand opening!!!!


xenaevegabby said...

*poke* Any news on the new forum???


Anne said...

Ugh, I don't know if I should write the faq or/and the board rules first before opening it. whaddaya think? ;)

Also, I need to post the most important things both in German and English and this'll take time, LOL.


xenaevegabby said...

LOL..Anne, board rules would probably be good to have before you open it. :) Hmm...German and English? That could take awhile. Well, I'll still be here when it's ready to open! :)


Anne said...

LOL, yep Ash, especially after the unpleasant experiences on a certain board lately, hehe.

I hope it won't take too much longer anymore, but sometimes RL interferes and you can't do much about it. ;)

xenaevegabby said...

Hehe...I'm already taking Spanish and that's hard enough! LOL! *G* I can't wait for the forum, but I understand about RL..that pesky thing. ;) *G*


Anne said...

LOL Canice. I'm sure I'd be able to learn spanish, but Chinese? I'M afraid I'm hopeless there. I start giggling already when I hear people speaking Chinese. It sounds so cute, but it's way too complicated for me. One false pronunciation and I end up somewhere the sun doesn't shine, hehe.

xenaevegabby said...

I'm having enough trouble with Spanish. Only one foreign language for me, thank you! *G* Hehe
