Sunday, December 11, 2005

Don't trust Babelfish

Alright, I knew that before. And my English is pretty good so I should te able to translate some text on my own and my good old dictionary.

But I was lazy and wanted to give that service another chance, hoping it may have inmproved over the years.

But trust me: it sucks bigtime. So, anyone who needs a translator because you don't know any other language beside your mother tongue, don't cound on Babelfish if you intend to translate whole sentences or larger text blocks. It's okay for single words, but when it comes to create intelligent sentences it's a no-no.

Ergo: I'll have to do it on my own and therefore please be patient with me, folks. ;)


xenaevegabby said...

LOL! I learned not to rely on it a loooong time ago...;)


Anne said...

LOL, yeah me too, Ash. But I thought it deserved a second chance, hehehe.

xenaevegabby said...

LOL! I agree...second chances are always good...unfortunately, I was proved wrong with this one after fourth and fifth chances. LOL!
