Friday, January 20, 2006

Update on the Fan Gallery

Hi everyone,

well..... I made a new wallpaper and I also moved the entire fan gallery to another host that gives me a lot more webspace for free than ALL of my others together. There might (or will) pop up a quite big ad on the first page you open, but they promise to leave you alone for an hour after closing this one. It's the price I have to pay for it being a free server. And since I can't afford to pay for ad-free, it's a price I can gladly and easily accept. ;)

The fan gallery includes my wallpapers pages, the puzzles, the fanfiction and everything that might come along. :)

As for the forum. Well, it's still waiting to be opened, please don't be too mad at me. :)

Correction: For the time being, the video pages have not been moved. Maybe some time later. ;)

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