Monday, June 08, 2009

Finally! -- a small update!

Hi everyone,

yes, I'm still alive! Problem is, I had close to no internet access in the last weeks and when I did I had no chance of uploading any new content and updating the website. Adding to this, the server who hosts my domain seems to be down. So, if you're able to read this, you might try alternatively, this is the server where my website is actually located and which is pretty stable (unless I forget to log in from time to time and need the reactivate it then).

Alright. I had finally the chance to upload all my calendars for May and June, so there's at least something for you to catch up on. :) I hope you like them.

I'm looking everywhere for a suitable (and affordable) dsl package so that I will hopefully have internet at home sometime soon.

And yes, I've wanted to update the layout for the main pages for such a long time already, but I'm still not done with it. So please bear with me and this winterly look (well, the temperatures almost fit the layout, LOL).

Take care everyone until next time!


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