Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Finally something new!

Hi everyone,

I feel so bad for neglecting the website for so long, but finally there's a tiny little update. No, unfortunately I haven't found the time to finish a new layout for the site, but it doesn't mean I have forgotten about it.

Truth is, since I got my internet at home back (yay for DSL instead 56k modem) I've been stuck on Facebook. So, please forgive me, LOL.

Anyway, I just now finished a new wallpaper, a Christmas wall, just in time and uploaded it. I'm still working on another project which should be up before Christmas if I can make it. You'll find this one in the fan fiction section.

I apologize for not having continued the calendars, but those of you who are in my friends list on FB have at least gotten an idea.

You may have noticed a couple broken links. Since Geocities discontinued their (free?) service I haven't had time to repair the missing pages, for example the links page which needs to be revamped anyway. I also need to update the links to my Photoshop brush sites as soon as I can get to it. Some links are broken, some new ones need to be added, so bear with me.

I'll try to be better in the next year, thanks everyone for your patience.

Until then: Happy Holidays no matter what you celebrate (my Jewish friends are celebrating Hanukah right now), and a happy and healthy new year to all of us. :)

Love from Germany,

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