Thursday, February 18, 2010

A VERY belated Happy New Year! **grins**

Yes, I know, it's February already, but I just couldn't get anything done lately as you can see at the calendar page. I hate unfinished things, but I thought I'd leave the old calendars up until I've come to a decision whether to make calendars for this year or not. I also want to make a new layout (at least for the main pages) so badly, I just haven't had time for it yet.

At least there's ONE new thing on the site, LOL. In the fan fiction section, to be precise. I've just finished the layout for Tess' new story and uploaded everything. You can either take the longer walk -> Fan Gallery -> Dr. Quinn Fan Fiction -> Tess' Fan Fictions and hit the last link on her page, or go straight through this door. ;)

It's a Dr. Quinn / Magnificent Seven crossover, but I think DQ fans will love it because it has a lot of Michaela and Sully in it. :)

I noticed that some of you still take the poll. Well, fine by me. It'll probably make my decision easier. ;)

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