Thursday, February 18, 2010

A VERY belated Happy New Year! **grins**

Yes, I know, it's February already, but I just couldn't get anything done lately as you can see at the calendar page. I hate unfinished things, but I thought I'd leave the old calendars up until I've come to a decision whether to make calendars for this year or not. I also want to make a new layout (at least for the main pages) so badly, I just haven't had time for it yet.

At least there's ONE new thing on the site, LOL. In the fan fiction section, to be precise. I've just finished the layout for Tess' new story and uploaded everything. You can either take the longer walk -> Fan Gallery -> Dr. Quinn Fan Fiction -> Tess' Fan Fictions and hit the last link on her page, or go straight through this door. ;)

It's a Dr. Quinn / Magnificent Seven crossover, but I think DQ fans will love it because it has a lot of Michaela and Sully in it. :)

I noticed that some of you still take the poll. Well, fine by me. It'll probably make my decision easier. ;)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Finally something new!

Hi everyone,

I feel so bad for neglecting the website for so long, but finally there's a tiny little update. No, unfortunately I haven't found the time to finish a new layout for the site, but it doesn't mean I have forgotten about it.

Truth is, since I got my internet at home back (yay for DSL instead 56k modem) I've been stuck on Facebook. So, please forgive me, LOL.

Anyway, I just now finished a new wallpaper, a Christmas wall, just in time and uploaded it. I'm still working on another project which should be up before Christmas if I can make it. You'll find this one in the fan fiction section.

I apologize for not having continued the calendars, but those of you who are in my friends list on FB have at least gotten an idea.

You may have noticed a couple broken links. Since Geocities discontinued their (free?) service I haven't had time to repair the missing pages, for example the links page which needs to be revamped anyway. I also need to update the links to my Photoshop brush sites as soon as I can get to it. Some links are broken, some new ones need to be added, so bear with me.

I'll try to be better in the next year, thanks everyone for your patience.

Until then: Happy Holidays no matter what you celebrate (my Jewish friends are celebrating Hanukah right now), and a happy and healthy new year to all of us. :)

Love from Germany,

Monday, June 08, 2009

Finally! -- a small update!

Hi everyone,

yes, I'm still alive! Problem is, I had close to no internet access in the last weeks and when I did I had no chance of uploading any new content and updating the website. Adding to this, the server who hosts my domain seems to be down. So, if you're able to read this, you might try alternatively, this is the server where my website is actually located and which is pretty stable (unless I forget to log in from time to time and need the reactivate it then).

Alright. I had finally the chance to upload all my calendars for May and June, so there's at least something for you to catch up on. :) I hope you like them.

I'm looking everywhere for a suitable (and affordable) dsl package so that I will hopefully have internet at home sometime soon.

And yes, I've wanted to update the layout for the main pages for such a long time already, but I'm still not done with it. So please bear with me and this winterly look (well, the temperatures almost fit the layout, LOL).

Take care everyone until next time!


Monday, March 02, 2009

Get ready for spring!

Alright, this is a cheesy line, but I didn't want to write again "Another small update" or "The new calendar" although this is what this post is about, LOL. It's just that I'm so tired of winter and having nice temperatures yesterday and looking at the flowers that are blooming already makes me long even more for my favorite season.

But yes, it is about the new calendars. They're a day late, so I hope you'll forgive me. ;)
About the marked 10th, it is the Jewish holiday Purim, and (almost) everyone should know that March 17 is St. Patrick's Day; that's why the clover design for this month's wallpaper calendar.

I hope you like them. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's this time in February...

...with Valentine's Day coming in 2 days. And though I don't celebrate it (it is because we didn't have it when (and where) I grew up, I couldn't resist making a wallpaper honoring this day. ;)

You will find it on the Special Occasions page in my wallpaper section.
Special thanks again go to Deb, the Scrappin Cop for her beautiful designs, and another thank you goes to Sandy, macbadsoes for her beautiful heart brushes.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Again, a little late...

but finally here: the monthly calendars.
I'm so sorry about the delay, but the wallpaper calendar was still in the works, and I've had some internet problems.

I hope you like them. Special thanks go to Scrappin Cop for her beautiful designs. I used a pattern overlay she made and also her beautiful "Make a Gem" shapes and styles.

Another huge thank you goes to Coolwing for your most beautiful vector brushes. :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Finally: The calendars! ... and a new poll.

Hi everyone,

I'm so sorry the calendars are so late this time, but the computer I've been on the last days wouldn't let me update it properly.It didn't recognize any of my portable programs, not my Firefox, not the FTP program, nothing. So all I could do was wait until I was back on this computer here, LOL.

You may have (or not) noticed that I moved even the main pages to another host now, so in case you try to access my website via the Geocities url, please remember to use either or , both will lead to the same website.

I also need to update (or revamp) my links page and also the resources links (such as brushes etc.) as soon as possible, but here are some of the resources.

For the blue wallpaper calendar (Photoshop brushes and pattern overlay):
The Scrappin Cop
Check them out when you have time, they have some nice stuff to offer. :)

That's it for now, stay tuned for updates!

Before I forget: Please take a look at the new poll. I'd love to see what you think. :)